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Paraffin wax, classified as a chemical preservative, is widely used on fruits, vegetables, and candy to make them shiny and pretty as well as to retard moisture loss and spoilage.


Waxes are made from vegetable oils, palm oil derivatives, and synthetic resins, as well as other materials. Some people, notably those who are allergic to aspirin, may be sensitive to many waxes, depending on their ingredients.


Uses For Paraffin wax


▪                 Candle-making

▪                 Coatings for waxed paper or cloth

▪                 Food-grade paraffin wax:

Shiny coating used in candy-making; although edible, it is nondigestible, passing right through the body without being broken down

Coating for many kinds of hard cheese, like Edam cheese

Sealant for jars, cans, and bottles

Chewing gum additive

▪                 Investment casting

▪                 Anti-caking agent, moisture repellent, and dustbinding coatings for fertilizers

▪                 Agent for preparation of specimens for histology

▪                 Bullet lubricant – with other ingredients, such as olive oil and beeswax

▪                 Solid propellant for hybrid rocket motors

▪                 Component of surfwax, used for grip on surfboards in surfing

▪                 Component of glide wax, used on skis and snowboards

▪                 Friction-reducer, for use on handrails and cement ledges, commonly used in


▪                 Ink. Used as the basis for solid ink different color blocks of wax for thermal

printers. The wax is melted and then sprayed on the paper producing images with a shiny surface


***Uses Taken From Wikipedia - Please ensure use is correct for your own use***

Paraffin Wax

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