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TuRBofog contains a balanced blend of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and quaternary ammonium compounds.


TuRBofog is designed to give consistently high yields of an aldehyde and QAC gas mixture for fumigation purposes when used in conjunction with thermal fogging machines.



The fumigation of livestock accommodation, incubators, egg rooms, hatcheries or any enclosed area that requires terminal disinfection e.g. Vehicles. TuRBofog is an extremely efficient means of disinfection of livestock accommodation because a gaseous phase produced is all invasive. TuRBofog is non-corrosive when used as directed and does not require the use of large volumes of water. TuRBofog is often used as a follow up to liquid terminal disinfectants in comprehensive disinfection programs.

TuRBofog will destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi (being particularly effective against aspergillus spp.) as well as insects infestations.



TuRBofog should be used once the building has been thoroughly cleaned (we recommend the use of TuRBoclense EO or TuRBoquat for best results) or as an adjunct to liquid terminal disinfection (we recommend TuRBokill and TuRBophon). The fumigation process is most effective in humid conditions and at ambient temperatures in excess of 15°C. All windows, doors and ventilators should be closed during the procedure.


Apply at a dose rate of 25 litres per 1250m²of floor area.

Once fogging is complete, allow at least 3 hours for the fumigation process to be completed, then open doors and windows and ventilate with extractors for at least another 3 hours to ensure that the gas has been fully dissipated before entering the body of the building.

Always wear appropriate protective clothing and apparatus when using fumigants.  


Sold in: 5ltr, 25ltr, 205ltr & 1000ltr

TurboFog - Fumigation - Fogging Solution

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